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A life insurance policy allows you to make a meaningful philanthropic gift while preserving other assets for yourself and your family.

designating PBS12 as a beneficiary

You can name PBS12 as primary beneficiary of your life insurance policy or as contingent beneficiary should your other beneficiaries not survive you. After your lifetime, the benefits from your policy pass to us free of federal estate tax.


  • Easy to Give – Involves little effort or paperwork
  • Financial Advantage – Continued ownership of your policy
  • Freedom and Flexibility – You can change your mind and your beneficiaries at any time
  • Future Tax Savings – Removes the asset from your potential gross taxable estate
  • Leave a Legacy – Your gift will help enrich and strengthen the culture of Colorado
  • Changing your beneficiaries is easy – Simply contact your insurance carrier and request a beneficiary form

making an outright gift of a paid-up insurance policy

You can donate your paid-up life insurance policy to PBS12. If the policy has a cash value, we would have the option of either holding the policy until the maturity date or surrendering the policy in order to receive the policy’s current cash value.


  • Income Tax Savings – Claim an income tax deduction
  • Future Tax Savings – Removes the asset from your potential gross taxable estate
  • Leave a Legacy – Your gift will help enrich and strengthen the culture of Colorado

how to arrange a gift of life insurance

To make a gift of insurance, simply contact your life insurance company and request a Change of Beneficiary/Ownership Form. Designate us as the new owner and beneficiary of your policy.

legal details for your attorney

PBS12 legal name and address: Colorado Public Television, Inc., is a 501(c) 3 tax-exempt charitable organization, located at 2900 Welton Street, Suite 100, Denver, CO 80205.

PBS12 Federal Tax ID: 84-072-3918

please let us know

By informing PBS12 of your plans, you help us prepare for the future and, equally important, you give us the chance to thank you for your generous gift!

With gifts of this kind, you will automatically become a member of PBS12’s 12 Trust. Please contact Kim White at 303.296.1212 or contact us online to let us know that you are a new member!

If you wish your gift to remain anonymous, we pledge not to publish or disclose your identity. Everything will be held in strictest confidence, but you will still enjoy the benefits of your membership.