This week’s show falls on the 30th Anniversary of Denver International Airport opening, so I decided to start off our conversation around the impact of DIA, or DEN as it’s now referred to, plus, Westword Editor Patty Calhoun brought some show & tell, a key chain of the mustang sculpture outside the airport known as Blucifer (and the key chain doll’s eyes even light up bright red like the real thing). Despite Blucifer’s image problems, magnified by David Kopel of the Independence Institute saying “Blucifer is the portal through which demons enter the city,” Denver’s airport is the state’s largest economic engine. Here’s a look at what was discussed on Colorado Inside Out, which started with all things DIA and the conversation ‘took off’ from there. Continue reading
February 28, 2025 Edition
By Kyle Dyer on February 28, 2025